Puketawa Marae KakahuKia ora e te whanauClick on our online shop www.puketawamarae.com to get your Puketawa Kakahu.Tamariki to Kaumatua sizes availableAll profits from the shirts go to the maraeNga mihiPuketawa Marae Komiti
Kia ora e te whanauClick on our online shop www.puketawamarae.com to get your Puketawa Kakahu.Tamariki to Kaumatua sizes availableAll profits from the shirts go to the maraeNga mihiPuketawa Marae Komiti
1433 Horeke Road Whenua HuiKia ora e te whenua, A big mihi to all of our whanau who came to the Te Honihoni whenua hui at Puketawa Marae today. A copy of the...