Ngapuhi Hokianga ki te Raki huiCome find out what is happening with local marae in our area/takiwa and about what is happening at Te Runanga a iwi o Ngapuhi Venue - Te Rangatahi Marae, UtakuraDate - 3rd December 2019Time - 6pm startNau mai haere mai e te whanau
Come find out what is happening with local marae in our area/takiwa and about what is happening at Te Runanga a iwi o Ngapuhi Venue - Te Rangatahi Marae, UtakuraDate - 3rd December 2019Time - 6pm startNau mai haere mai e te whanau
1433 Horeke Road Whenua HuiKia ora e te whenua, A big mihi to all of our whanau who came to the Te Honihoni whenua hui at Puketawa Marae today. A copy of the...