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Movie screening for Kaumatua Kuia

Kei aku rahi mai a Whakarongorua ki Pāpua - tēnā koutou katoa.

He pānui tēnei ki ngā Taikura o Utakura, Horeke, Motukiore, Ōkaihau me Rāhiri kia hono mai ki tēnei kaupapa whai mai nei.

This is an invitation to our kaumātua o te kāinga to a FREE day out at the movies to watch "KA WHAWHAI TONU" a movie set in 1864 telling the story of the Battle of Ōrākau.

Transportation (bus), the entry fee and some refreshments will be provided FREE!!!

Details are as follows:


Time: Movie starts at 12.30pm but please see the photo for the bus pick up times...

Pick up 1 - Horeke Hall - 9.45am

Pick up 2 - Mataitaua Marae - 10am

Pick up 3 - Okaihau Hall - 10.20am

The bus will return around 3.00 - 3.30pm.

NOTE: We only have 40 tickets available. If you want to attend you can contact Mori Rapana directly on the phone number provided. FIRST IN FIRST SERVE!!!

If you haven't RSVPd your ticket and just turn up to the cinema - kia aroha atu, you will be turned away - as the theatre has strict health and safety policies around numbers.

We will be joined by another 100 Kaumātua from Mitimiti - Mangamuka.

So grab your false teeth and some mates, leave the mokopuna at home, chuck on some warm clothes and join us at the movies.

I reiterate - this is an event for KAUMĀTUA/KUIA ONLY!!!

Any questions contact Mori Rapana

Ngā mihi.

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