Kia ora e te whanau,
Ko toku reo, toku ohooho (My language is my awakening) Ko toku reo, toku mapihi maurea (My language is the window to my soul)
We are going to be having some weekly Te Reo Maori classes at Puketawa Marae.
Classes will start 5.00pm 14th July 2022 at Puketawa Marae.
For those who live further away but would still like to join we are going to have online access, please register via to be sent the meeting link and work book:
We are extremely grateful to our kaiako for this kaupapa Wikitoria Makiha.
Bring the whanau, bring a plate to share and Akina te reo.
Nau mai haere mai e te whanau.
Ko tou reo, Ko toku reo te tuakiri tanga, Tihei nakonako
Nga mihi
Puketawa Marae Komiti
