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Kaumatua Kuia whare opening

Kia ora e te whanau,

We are so pleased to announce that our Kaumatua Kuia whare are ready, and would like to invite, our whanau, hapu and hapori to the opening karakia, followed by parakuihi at the Puketawa marae on Saturday 31 August 2024 at 5.00am. We will meet at the entrance to Te Honi Honi lane which is right next to the Puketawa marae entrance.

We know that many of you have followed the journey from 2023 to now and we are so grateful to the Ministry of Housing and BDO Pakihi for working with us to make our dreams a reality.

Because of this kaupapa we have five new warm and dry whare for our kaumatua and kuia to live in.

Please share to your networks and join us to celebrate this new chapter for our marae, opening our kaumatua and kuia whare.

Nau mai haere mai e te whanau

Nga mihi

Puketawa Marae Komiti

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